The Complete JavaScript Handbook
Digital Product

Chapter 1: Javascript Foundations

○ Introduction to JavaScript and V8 engine.

○ Call Stack and Memory Heap

○ Stack Overflow

○ Garbage Collection

○ Memory Leaks

○ Single Thread

○ Runtime Environment

○ NodeJs

● Chapter 2: Javascript Foundations II

○ Execution Context

○ Hoisting

○ Functions

○ Arguments

○ Variable Environment

○ Scope Chain

○ Function Scope and Block Scope

○ this keyword ○ call, apply and bind

● Chapter 3: JavaScript Types

○ Types

○ Pass By Reference And Pass By Value

○ Type Coercion

● Chapter 4: Closures and Prototypes

○ Closures

○ Prototypes

This book is volume 1 of the series "The Complete JavaScript Handbook". We will deep dive into the concepts of JavaScript. This series aims to cover every aspect related to JavaScript. Whether you are a newbie or a working professional, this book is for everyone. It is okay if you do not have any prior experience in JavaScript. This book covers a variety of topics, ranging from beginner-level topics such as JavaScript types to very advanced topics like Closures and Prototypes. This book is beginner-friendly and aims to provide you deep understanding of the complex concepts of JavaScript.

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