
1:1 Mentorship

Video Meeting
30 mins
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30 mins
Video Meeting

About me

Sumit Srivastawa is a computer science graduate and an MBA with more than a decade of experience. He is the Founder & CEO of Startup Chaupal ( An Integrated Platform for Startups) which has a strong network of Mentors and Investors from different parts of the globe to train entrepreneurial mindset at the grassroots level and handhold them from Ideation to Execution to Funding. Multiple startups are incubated and working from across India with him under his supervision and guidance where he is nurturing them through his initiative. He has been hand-holding with promising entrepreneurs, not as a mentor, rather as a team member, and in order to make it more conducive, he has joined hands with Multiple Ventures from the ecosystem and has invested in a few startups. With the aim of connecting the ecosystem of the country, he has always believed it's not about how many shares of the pie you own, it's about how big the pie is.