A half-hour 1:1 call to discuss anything machine learning.
30 mins
Video Meeting
Ask me anything
Replies in 3 days
Priority DM
Longer chat
A one-hour 1:1 call to discuss anything machine learning.
60 mins
Video Meeting
$ 199$149
CV/Resume review
Replies in 3 days
Priority DM
About me
I have over 8 years of diverse industry experience as a Machine Learning Engineer & ML Engineering Manager, having worked in the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland, for a consultancy boutique, an AI startup, a software house, and a large corporation.
I'm a proficient Python coder with a profound understanding of statistics & machine learning algorithms. Well-versed in the design, development, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of complex machine learning systems. Experienced with leading machine learning projects and managing teams. I write a blog about all things machine learning and teach several courses at DataCamp.
I can help you with anything machine learning, including (but not limited to):
- Theory and practice of machine learning algorithms
- Design and implementation of ML systems
- Engineering side of ML deployment, monitoring & maintenance
- Python programming
- Career advice in ML Engineering & Data Science
- CV/Resume review and interview prep for ML roles
- Mock ML Engineering interview