This is a one stop solution, which covers JAVA for QA Automation Engineers. This guide can be used for Interview Preparation or Sole purpose of learning and becoming an Intermediate to Expert in JAVA.
Top Offerings in Package:
1) Complete JAVA Understanding with explanations and Coding Examples
2) Lots of Coding questions with solutions and explanation for Interview Prep
3) Theory Questions for Interview Prep
Below are the topics I have covered:
1) JAVA Architecture
2) Language Conventions -> Data Types, Operators, Variables & types, Escape characters
3) Control Statements -> Selection, Iterative & Jump
4) Lots of Coding problems with solutions and explanations
5) OOPS from basics to advance with Automation Framework guide and code examples with solutions
6) Coding problems for OOPS with answers
7) Constructors, static, this, overriding, overloading, super, final etc.
8) Arrays - 1D and 2D with coding problems and solutions
9) Strings in JAVA with methods breakdown and coding problems with answers.
10) Java Theory Interview Questions
Upcoming topics:
1) Collection Framework with breakdown and coding problems
2) Data Structure - LinkedList, Queue & Stacks
3) Time Complexity - Understanding and Usage
4) Clean code and readable practices
5) SOLID with example implementations
This is E-Book with my E-Book for QA Automation & Generative AI can make you unstoppable for getting desired CTC and job opportunities.
But make sure you learn and understand!
All The Best!!!