Web Development Individual Training Program (3 months internship with training)
Web Development Training: Zero to Mastery Content Index
1. Introduction to Web Development
Overview of web development, frontend vs backend development, and web development tools and environment setup.
2. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
Basic structure of a web page, HTML tags, elements, and attributes, forms and input elements, multimedia (images, audio, video), and semantic HTML.
3. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Introduction to CSS and styling basics, box model, margins, padding, and borders, flexbox and grid layouts, responsive design and media queries, CSS animations and transitions.
4. JavaScript (Fundamentals)
Introduction to JavaScript, variables, data types, and operators, functions and control structures (loops, conditionals), DOM manipulation and event handling, and ES6 features (let, const, arrow functions, etc.).
5. Advanced JavaScript
Objects and object-oriented programming, asynchronous JavaScript (promises, async/await), JavaScript modules and import/export, and error handling and debugging.
6. Version Control with Git and GitHub
Introduction to Git and version control, Git commands (commit, push, pull, branch), collaborating on GitHub (forks, pull requests), branching and merging strategies.
7. Frontend Frameworks (React)
Introduction to React and components, JSX syntax and rendering elements, state and props management, handling events and lifecycle methods, React Router for navigation, and hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.).
8. Backend Development (Node.js & Express)
Introduction to Node.js and server-side JavaScript, setting up Express framework, creating RESTful APIs, handling requests and responses, working with databases (MongoDB).
9. Database Management
Introduction to databases and types (SQL vs NoSQL), CRUD operations with MongoDB, Mongoose for schema and models, connecting frontend and backend.
10. Authentication and Security
User authentication (sessions, JWT), password hashing and encryption, role-based access control, security best practices (XSS, CSRF protection).
11. Deployment and Hosting
Introduction to web hosting, deploying web applications on platforms (Heroku, Netlify), continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), version management and scaling.
12. Building Real-World Projects
E-commerce website, blog or portfolio website, social media platform, task management application.
13. Web Development Best Practices
Code optimization and performance tuning, SEO basics for web developers, testing (unit, integration, end-to-end testing), web accessibility standards.
14. Advanced Topics
Progressive web apps (PWA), introduction to TypeScript, web sockets and real-time applications, GraphQL vs REST APIs.
15. Final Project and Portfolio Building
Capstone project, building and showcasing a portfolio website, resume and interview preparation, job search strategies and networking.
Benefits of the Program:
- Hands-on learning with real-world datasets and projects.
- Career support, including job placement assistance and interview preparation.
- 1:1 mentor support throughout the learning process.
- Certification to showcase your skills to potential employers ,Internship With training Offer letter & Completion Certificate
- Enjoy the flexibility of Learning from home (online)
-Learn at your Free Time. Complete assigned tasks and submit them before the deadline
-No batches individual training you can start at your Comfortable dates
-Letter Of Recommendation On each project
This program is ideal for individuals looking to transition into data science roles, enhance their analytical skills, or explore the power of data in decision-making.