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A-Z, FAANG Preparation Material

Complete study material for Microsoft Google and others
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1:1 Mentorship

Step-by-step actionable for planning your career.
Video Meeting
30 mins
Video Meeting
$ 29$27+

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Mock interview\Mentorship

Preparation for your next Interview through a Mock Session
Video Meeting
60 mins
Video Meeting

About me

Working as Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft for 10+ years, interviewing candidates for Microsoft from last 7 years. I mentor people to get their dream job in IT. I have helped around 100 students to get their dream jobs. Some of the companies where my mentees got placed are Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Tower Research. Being an interviewer at Microsoft and after cracking interviews at Google Amazon and Tower Research I know what it takes and how it needs to be done. As your mentor, I can help you achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles that may be standing in your way.