This comprehensive Hotel Booking Analysis project, built using Python, offers actionable insights into the reasons behind high cancellation rates for City and Resort hotels, helping you solve real-world business problems.
⭐ Visualize cancellation rates and understand how factors like high prices, booking channels, and seasonal demand impact guest behavior.
⭐ Learn to perform data-driven analysis with Python to solve business challenges, ideal for a data analyst’s portfolio.
With this project, you’ll receive a detailed, professional analysis report that showcases data insights and recommendations. This report serves as a valuable template, helping you enhance your own report writing and presentation skills—essential for impressing stakeholders and delivering clear, impactful results.
Want to create this project from scratch? Check out our full YouTube tutorial that walks you through the entire implementation process.
Add the ready project to your Portfolio/ Resume.
Get the resources which include:
⭐ Complete Code
⭐ Dataset used
⭐ PDF Report on complete analysis
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