Hello, I'm Abhisek, an entrepreneur, content creator, and growth strategies.
I won't promise you likes or followers, but I guarantee leads through personal branding.
I've completed courses from Google, growth school by top 1% mentors, and worked on real time experience from real-world solutions.
I assist founders in leveraging their personal brand on LinkedIn, Twitter to establish thought leadership. I've supported 20+ entrepreneurs and investors and choches in growing their personal brands.
I believe business is about person-to-person (P2P) connections. In the era of savvy Gen Z clientele, brands need to be quirky, creative, and produce smart content.
Personal branding can help you:
1) Obtain highly qualified leads
2) Attract top talent that admires you
3) Become a thought leader
4) Build a monetizable audience
If you want to understand the theory, reach out to me at iamabhisekrath@gmail.com.